Whole milk – A true superfood
Nature has provided us with a complete and perfect package and as such, we do not skim any cream from our Fleckvieh Milk®. (This registered trademark is your assurance of quality as described below). Most of the fat soluble vitamins and EFA’s mentioned below are found in the cream portion of the milk so we believe it wrong to take any cream.
100% A2 – Beta-casein
The cause for concern with milk containing A1 beta-casein, as produced by most commercial dairy cows, is the amino acid switch from proline to histidine that readily allows a digestive enzyme to cut an amino acid segment that is separated from A1 beta casein, known as beta-casomorphin-7 or BCM-7 for short.
BCM-7 is the real “devil” in A1 milk for a number of reasons. It is an exogenous (doesn’t naturally occur within the human body) opioid that interacts with the human digestive system, internal organs, and brainstem. While no direct causal relationships have been demonstrated between BCM-7 and these diseases due to a wide range of contributing factors for each illness, BCM-7 has been linked to type 1 diabetes, heart disease, autism, and other serious non-communicable diseases as well.
Our herd has been tested and only produces milk with A2 – beta-casein.
GMO Feed Free
GMO Feed has been a major problem for most “Natural” dairy farmers, since Maize and Soy grown commercially in South Africa has got GMO in it. We are very fortunate to have abundant grazing. At milk time the cows get only a small helping of Barley and Lucerne (both non-GMO) as a treat while being milked.
EFA’s – Omega 3, CLA, Vitamin A, D3, E, K2 and Beta- Carotene
Cows grazing on pasture produce considerably more EFA’s and vitamins compared to conventional cows. Fleckvieh cows produce even more of these then any other breed of cow. The ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 in Felckvieh Milk® is nearly in perfect balance of 1:1 compared to the nearly 1:9 of conventional cows, which means that your body can absorb more Omega 3, which is in short supply in most diets. Naturally high levels CLA in Felckvieh Milk® offers strong cancer-fighting and fat-burning properties.
Fleckvieh Milk® is naturally rich in Melatonin, which assists in regulating sleep patterns, but also has a wealth of other benefits too numerous to list here.
Great Flavour
Milk and other dairy products made from Fleckvieh Milk® truly taste great. It produces kefir yoghurts and cheeses with exceptional flavour.
Preservative, Artificial Flavour and Colorant Free
As always, our great tasting dairy is free from any of the above.
Hi, what an interesting article this is!
Could you help me find the “other benefits”, as you say: “Fleckvieh Milk® is naturally rich in Melatonin, which assists in regulating sleep patterns, but also has a wealth of other benefits too numerous to list here.”
Although I am not a farmer, I spent years with farmers on discussing and studying how to process manure on a natural “energetic cycle type” of farm with Fleckvieh cows and raw kefir in The Netherlands.
Thank you in advance!
René van den Berg